Saturday 6 May 2017

Update May 6th

The rudders , wings and fins have been given an additional sanding which has included a couple of layers of sanding sealer. Some aberrations have been filled with aircraft filler and sanded back. The through the wall fin tabs have been sanded to ensure conformity with the motor mount.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Additional Update 27th April 2017

Things have moved on quite swiftly in the last few weeks. The wings have been given an aerofoil cross section as have the rear fins. After a huge amount of sanding , both the upper and lower rudders now have a wedge shape and will be given a bit more TLC. They may receive a layer of thin ply to enhance the laminar flow at high speed.

The plan is to construct the chines initially on a 4” mail tube and then transfer them once the rudders , fins and wings have been stuck to the motor tube. The motor tube and the body tube have all been marked out to ensure correct alignment.  Once this has been done I’ll slip the BT over and then attach the chines!

The chines will be glassed to give them more rigidity.

This is the plan !

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Update April 2017

It's been 2 years since my last update. I have spent some time trying to make the chines for the X15. This proved harder than I thought. As luck would have it Paul Clark has produced some rather amazing vacuum formed versions. These will make the task a lot easier.

I'm currently working on the upper and lower rudders.